Last INFATUATION OF DEATH full-length album available for pre-order and free streaming!

DEFENSE Records & MYTHRONE Promotion proudly present


on October 21, 2016 – Infatuation of Death full-length Code of Impiety, long-awaited debut album by members of Anima Damnata, Morowe, Dira Mortis and Nuclear Vomit’s original band will be released by DEFENSE Records and MYTHRONE Promotion.

Although they – after many years of underground existence – irrevocably ceased playing, they left an excellent album that pays homage to very core of Satan-fueled, barbaric death metal. Rage, crushing heaviness, remarkable technique and uncompromising message – it’s all there on the Code of Impiety. Furthermore, the CD contains a bonus multimedia section with a collection of band’s demo recordings.

A classic ‘must have’ for all devoted worshippers of underground cult acts, such as Incantation, Malevolent Creation, the primeval Magick of Morbid Angel and fiendish ferocity of Liers in Wait . Infatuation of Death may be dead, but it’s posthumous bastard still decapitates!


Album produced in Screw Factory Studio by Janusz Bryt (Suffocation, Dying Fetus, Destruction, Behemoth).
Layout prepared by Marcin Gadomski (Mord’A’Stigmata, Ragehammer, Outre, Preludium, Entropia).

1. Code of Impiety
2. Left to the World
3. The Grand Declaration of Forever Hate
4. The Essence (Lead Us into Temptation)
5. Unblessed
6. Infatuation with Death
7. F.44.3
8. Icons of Impurity
9. Dead Christ Manifest
10. T.A.P.O.S.M.A.
+ BONUS: Demos Collection

Defense Records already started collecting pre-orders of the album. We refer all interested in enriching their record collections of a solid piece of death metal meat here:

In anticipation of the physical version of the album, you can estimate now how much the Polish underground lost with the departure of Infatuation of Death to the other side, because thanks to MUSICK Magazine Code of Impiety is available in full to the pre-premiere listening:

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